devopsdays Edinburgh - Sponsor

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email at [ ].

Why sponsor us?

Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. We depend on sponsorship, we are not-for-profit, and the organisers are all working people who are active in the Tech community and passionate about getting DevOps right. We do not sell product presentations, nor will we distribute attendee contact lists.

Devopsdays is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with highly motivated specialists within the DevOps community; share the lessons you've learned; promote your brand and recruitment activities; contribute to important discussions about diversity, burnout, and organisational transformation. All sponsors are encouraged to participate in break-out sessions and generally engage with conference attendees as peers; heavy marketing typically works against you when trying to make a good impression at devopsdays conferences.

Contact For More Details

If you are interested in one of the packages below, offering a special sponsorship, or you have creative ideas about how you could support the event in another way then please do drop us an email at .
Sponsorship medal packages
Total Packages Available
Logo on Devopsdays Edinburgh website, main room signage and email communications    
Number of tickets included in package
Dedicated table for engaging with attendees  
2 minute pitch to full audience    
Logo on dedicated slide, rotating during breaks    
Logo on shared slide, rotating during breaks    
Recognition and thanks via Twitter\*
Inclusion of promotional goodies\*\* in the conference 'swag bag'    

\* All sponsors will be acknowledged officially on Twitter:
  • All sponsors will be thanked when sponsoring the event.
  • Bronze sponsors will be thanked once in the week leading up to the event.
  • Gold sponsors will be thanked three times; once per week in the three weeks leading up to the event.
  • All sponsors will be thanked again after the event.

\*\* ie. Promotional flyers or small gifts. The flyers should be no larger than A5. Details on delivery will be provided.