About devopsdays

Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Each event is run by volunteers from the local area.

Most devopsdays events feature a combination of curated talks (see open Calls for Proposals) and self organized open space content. Topics often include automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.


The first devopsdays was held in Ghent, Belgium in 2009. Since then, devopsdays events have multiplied, and if there isn’t one in your city, check out the information about organizing one yourself!

About the organization

The devopsdays global core team guides local organizers in hosting their own devopsdays events worldwide. Active core organizers onboard and guide events, answer questions, and maintain the website. Advisory core organizers are less involved day-to-day but weigh in on important matters and assist as needed. Emeritus core organizers are no longer involved in the core team; we thank them for their past efforts.

Core Organizers

Bridget Kromhout (lead), Serhat Can, Jennifer Davis, Bernd Erk, Rafael Gomes, Nathen Harvey, Mine Heck, Dan Maher, Katie McLaughlin, Adrian Moisey, Ken Mugrage, Marco Júnior, Mike Rosado, Matt Stratton (web team lead), Yvo van Doorn

Patrick Debois (founder), Kris Buytaert, Matthew Jones, Andrew Clay Shafer, John Willis

Damon Edwards, Anthony Goddard, Lindsay Holmwood, Gildas Le Nadan, Stephen Nelson-Smith, Julian Simpson, Christian Trabold, John Vincent, James Wickett

If you have questions about hosting your own event or about potential future events you don’t see listed, email the active and advisory core organizers. The core organizers cannot answer questions about sponsorships or registration for individual cities.

Contact a specific event

Organization is decentralized. Local events handle their own sponsorships, registration, and all other organization. For questions about a specific event you see listed on the site, contact the local organizers for that event; their email is on their contact page.