devopsdays Edinburgh - Contact

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Our local team

Charlotte Taylor


Charlotte Taylor

Development team leader at GBG specialising in identity and marketing data intelligence. Previously I worked for several years as a software architect for a digital music streaming company. I am fascinated with the challenges involved in manipulating and interpreting big data.

Matthew Slane


Matthew Slane

Senior Software Engineer at Tindeco FS, transforming legacy systems into a cloud native archietecture. Experienced with monitoring systems and cloud architecture. Enjoys homebrewing, boardgames, road cycling and being covered in cats.


Gavin Reynolds


Gavin Reynolds

Gavin works as a Customer Success Engineer and Community Advocate at Chef Software, with a background in the academic and engineering sectors. Geek, engineer, sysadmin, developer, photographer and automation/politics/natsec nerd.


Stuart Kelvin


Stuart Kelvin


Mihaela 'Micky' Drumeva


Development Operations engineer at SolarWinds working on programmable production infrastructure. Passionate about all things automation - provisioning infrastructure, deployment, verification.


Michal Bryxí


Michal Bryxí

Michal Bryxí works as a frontend developer at CrowdStrike, has tons of IT side projects and loves his non-computer activities (running, cycling, climbing). He promotes good UX and technology that makes people’s lives easier. He firmly believes in the “more beertime” approach when solving devops problems. And he’s not scared to call out technology that sux (check out #iCanBreakItForYou hashtag).


Percy Perez


Percy Perez
St-Andrews University

PhD student working at the School of Computer Science in how to apply Name Based Networking protocol (NDN) to decentralised mobile architectures such as Android and Linux based Mobile Adhoc Networks. Interested in automation and continuous delivery through software development and infrastructure optimization. Motivated by previous industrial experiences in Telecoms, mobile gaming companies and APAC investment banking systems.


Kora Przybyszewska


Kora Przybyszewska

A Life-Science focused Senior Scientist experienced with project management and community engagement. Her background revolves around Microbiology, Cell & Molecular Biology, but she believes that IT and Tech can help to improve our understanding of the world. Passionate about Outdoors, Mountaineering, and Photography.


Leonardo Trotti



Leonardo is passionate about leading technical teams in the delivery of transformative results to customers - where culture, org design, and tooling are aligned to provide an elevated value stream. In his spare time, he likes to read non-fiction, traveling and playing the guitar - very badly and with much enjoyment.

Cristiano Balducci


Cristiano Balducci

“Passionate about lean, agile, DevOps and solving efficiency problems (for both teams and software). He has worked mainly in operations automation in the pas but, as of now, is Squad Lead at Skyscanner, in a squad working with streaming processing, a bit of backend and a bit of frontend. Compulsive reader, almost retired boxer (one is never completely retired), all around joker. "


Kevin Cross


Kevin Cross

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at arc-net working to improve all the DevOps things involved in delivering software services from the cloud.

Angus Neil


Angus Neil

Engineering Manager at Skyscanner leading the global transformation of production platform modernization.

The core devopsdays organizer group

The global core organizers support local teams.