devopsdays Minneapolis - Sponsor

We greatly value sponsors for this community event. Platinum, Gold, and Silver sponsorship packages are detailed in our prospectus. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email at [ ].

Additional à la carte sponsorships are available:

  • Live captioning - ($6000) - 1 slot available - your logo on captioning screens during breaks and your logo with credit as captioning sponsor in the completed videos; high visibility.
  • Live stream - ($3000) - 1 slot available - your logo on live stream during breaks and your logo with credit as live stream sponsor in the completed videos; high visibility.
  • Lanyard - ($5000) - 1 slot available - your logo on the lanyards; high visibility.
  • Day 1 all-day coffee ($3000) - 1 slot available - signage by the coffee displays with your logo throughout the day
  • Day 1 breakfast ($3500) - 2 slots available - signage by the breakfast service with your logo in the morning before sessions
  • Day 1 lunch ($4500) - 2 slots available - signage by the lunch service with your logo during lunch
  • Day 1 afternoon break ($1000) - 2 slots available - signage by the snack area with your logo during the afternoon when snacks are available
  • Day 1 evening event ($6000) - 2 slots available - signage at the evening happy hour & 1 minute pitch to evening event crowd
  • Day 2 all-day coffee ($3000) - 1 slot available - signage by the coffee displays with your logo throughout the day
  • Day 2 breakfast ($3500) - 2 slots available - signage by the breakfast service with your logo in the morning before sessions
  • Day 2 lunch ($4500) - 2 slots available - signage by the lunch service with your logo during lunch
  • Day 2 afternoon break ($1000) - 2 slots available - signage by the snack area with your logo during the afternoon when snacks are available

These may be purchased in addition to (or in lieu of) the platinum, gold, and silver sponsorships in the prospectus. An à la carte sponsorship by itself does not come with a table; you must have a platinum, gold, or silver sponsorship to be assigned a table you can staff.

Devopsdays is a community-organized conference for practitioners. We keep costs low for attendees with the help of sponsors. Our global organization’s sponsorship guidelines state that we cannot sell talk slots, nor can we distribute attendee contact lists. The greatest value in sponsoring is in directly interacting with local devops community members.

Our platinum, gold, and silver sponsorships offer a table in our sponsor hall where sponsors can interact with participants (who’ll definitely visit for coffee and food). We also have a la carte options for a sponsor who wants visibility without staffing a table.

Sponsors have the opportunity to have short elevator pitches during the program and will get recognition on the website and social media. Sponsors are encouraged to actively participate and engage with the attendees as peers. All participants including sponsors are welcome to propose any subject they want during the open spaces, but this is a community-focused conference, so a discussion will be more appealing than a pitch. Your technical team members may get great insights from the attendee-directed discussions.

3 included tickets (deadline applies)   
3 additional tickets (6 in total; deadline applies)   
Branded discount code for your staff & customers   
Full table (6 foot, 2 chairs, skirted)   
Logo on devopsdays Minneapolis website, emails, and selected signage.   
Packages shipped according to our instructions are delivered directly to and (if labeled/sealed) picked up from your sponsor table   
Logo on shared slide during breaks   
Logo on dedicated slide during breaks   
Logo on shared slide in recorded video pre-rolls   
Logo on dedicated slide in recorded video pre-rolls   
1 minute pitch to full audience (including streaming if applicable)   
5 minute pitch to full audience (including streaming if applicable)   
  • There are a limited number of Platinum sponsorships available.