devopsdays Poznań - Sponsor

**DevOpsDays is a self-organizing conference for practitioners that depends on sponsorships.

On behalf of the organizers, we are happy to invite you for a sponsorship opportunity of the second DevOpsDays Poznań conference.

Date and time

The conference will take place on 18th and 19th of May 2019 and will take two days.


The conference will take place in the Iglica Pavilion located in the heart of Poznań International Fair, one of the most recognizable symbols of Poznan The place is about 20 min ride by cab from the Poznań Airport and about 5 min walk from the Poznań Main Train Station.

Target Group

Poznań is a city with a vibrant meetup scene and long high tech traditions. The conference is targeted to the IT professionals who are working in the development and operations fields: SRE engineers, DevOps teams members, system operators, backend developers. We are open to all levels of seniority and we will try to make sure that all the presented topic are approachable by all participants but at the same time bear the highest quality. We expect around 400 people.

Topics of the conference

The topics presented in the DevOpsDays include but are not limited to: DevOps methodology practice, SRE tooling and practice, container scheduler platforms, cloud native tooling, public cloud platforms, monitoring and management systems. We hope to sustain a healthy balance between the cultural aspects of DevOps practice and highly technical ones. Additionally to the main talks we, plan to host lightning talk sessions and an open space.

Sponsorship offer
Limit of sponsors - 4 4 2
Job wall offers listed 1 2 3 5
Distribute leaflets in a designated area yes yes yes yes
Logo on the rollups yes yes yes yes
Logo in the social media (DevOpsDays page,, FB, Instagram, twitter) yes yes yes yes
Booth - 1 m2 4 m2 9 m2
Banners/roll-ups in the venue - 1 1 1
Banners/roll-ups next to the main stage - - 1 1
A presentation of a sponsor in a social media - - yes yes
Adding the SWAG to a starter pack - - yes yes
1 minute to present the company during the break - - - yes
Running a game or lottery - - - yes
Logo on the t-shirts - - - yes
Tickets included 1 2 3 4
2000 PLN + VAT 6000 PLN + VAT 10000 PLN +VAT 15000 PLN + VAT

All prices do not include VAT. VAT Invoice will be issued for the sponsor.
DevOpsDays Poznań organizers
Contact: .

If you have a creative idea about how you can support the event, please send us an email at .