devopsdays Portugal - Sponsor

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email at [ ].

Become a Sponsor

  • Be part of the 2nd edition of the DevOps dedicated conference in Portugal
  • Associate your company brand with a DevOps global brand
  • Contribute to the local DevOps reality promotion and growth
  • Learn from experts and practitioners
  • Direct contact and networking with a growing DevOps community


As a not-for-profit conference organized by a team of volunteers, the sponsorship will be used to support the conference expenses. The goal is to provide the best experience to attendees, speakers and sponsors.

Sponsorship Levels

The available slots for each sponsorship level will be assigned in a ​first come, first serve basis. We will reply to requests as soon as possible, to allow you to take advantage of the sponsor level benefits as early as possible.


  • Logo in event website
  • Logo included on the conference roll-up located at the registration area
  • Logo on video recordings (publicly available
  • Provide swag for attendees (if desired)


All benefits from Bronze level sponsors PLUS:

  • Roll-up in the lunch area
  • Logo included in the conference poster located in the main room
  • Logo displayed in the main screen between sessions
  • Silver booth space in conference area


All benefits from Bronze level sponsors PLUS:

  • Gold booth space in conference area
  • 2-minute pitch to full audience during primetime
  • Logo highlighted (in terms of size and position) in the conference poster, main screen,and website


Important note​: The community level is only available for local communities and groups organized by volunteers​ with the aim of sharing knowledge with the community at large free of any charge. All other organizations, namely private companies, are NOT eligible for this level.

Sponsorship Plans Overview

Sponsorship Plan
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Community Sponsor
Price 5000 EUR 3000 EUR 1000 EUR 0 EUR
Max sponsors 4 6 10 unlimited
Tickets included 10 5 2 10% discount
2-minute pitch to full audience Yes No No No
Booth space (gold dimensions) Yes No No No
Booth space (silver dimensions) No Yes No No
Logo in the poster in main area Yes Yes No No
Logo in main screen between sessions Yes Yes No No
Roll-up at lunch area Yes Yes No No
Logo on the roll-up at registration area Yes Yes Yes No
Swag (flyer, sticker, others, brought by the sponsor) Yes Yes Yes No
Logo on event website Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo on video recordings (publicly available) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition as a sponsor in social media Yes Yes Yes Yes