devopsdays Denver - Sponsor

We greatly value sponsors for this open event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please drop us an email at [ ].
devopsdays is a self-organizing conference for practitioners that depends on sponsorships. We do not have vendor booths, sell product presentations, or distribute attendee contact lists. Sponsors have the opportunity to have short elevator pitches during the program and will get recognition on the website and social media before, during and after the event. Sponsors are encouraged to represent themselves by actively participating and engaging with the attendees as peers. Any attendee also has the opportunity to demo products/projects as part of an open space session. Gold and Silver sponsors get a full table and Supporter sponsors get a shared table where they can interact with those interested to come visit during breaks. All attendees are welcome to propose any subject they want during the open spaces, but this is a community-focused conference, so heavy marketing will probably work against you when trying to make a good impression on the attendees. The best thing to do is send engineers to interact with the experts at devopsdays on their own terms.

Sponsorship Packages

($500 USD)
($7,500 USD)
($10,000 USD)
Two included tickets
Booth table
Social media promotions
Logos on slides during break
One minute pitch to full audience
Two additional tickets
Choose table location

Add-On sponsorships

For sponsors who have already invested in one of the above packages, we have a number of opportunities that we have on an add-on basis, these opportunities are on a first come first serve basis as availability allows.

Sponsorship Price
Monday Evening Social $5000
Charging Station $2000
Food Truck Lunch (2 Aavilible, 1 sponser per day) $5000
On-Call Room $2000
Charging Stations $2000
Transportation Code $2000

A la carte sponsorships

There are also opportunities for exclusive special sponsorships. We'll have sponsors for various events with special privileges for the sponsors of these events. If you are interested in special sponsorships or have a creative idea about how you can support the event, send us an email.

Sponsorship Price
Snack Station $2000
Coffee/Espresso Cart $4000
Live Captioning $7000
Donation Matching Stations $5000

Sponsor FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions Answers
How big is our booth space? All Silver and above sponsors will receive a 8’ table and two chairs
Who should I send to staff our booth? It is always good to have sales and marketing people on staff but also make sure to send your techy geeks that can interact with the attendees during sessions, Open Spaces, and breaks. Sponsor personnel are encouraged to attend the sessions and participate in the group conversations and Open Spaces process as part of the community.
When can we pick our booth spot? Gold sponsors will get preferential locations at time of purchase.
Will the event provide attendee contact information or badge scanners? No. The booth is a place to talk to people during breaks. This conference is not a typical conference or convention. We have seen that sponsors benefit the most when they bring engineers to the conference and interact directly with the attendees. You are responsible to collect any info you want in person.
Can we do a giveaway on stage? Yes. If you want to do a giveaway, you will need to collect your own information (example: business cards, entry slips, etc.) for whatever drawing / mechanism you want to use. At the closing session, we will give you a short time slot on stage for your giveaway activity. Just let us know.
Can we bring 1m roll-up as our back wall? Whatever you bring must fit behind or on your table. Keep in mind, this conference is not about the booth!
Do you provide flat-screen displays? No, you can ship one to the location, we can also have our AV company rent one to you for a fee but need two weeks prior notice.
Will there be a company sign at our booth? When do you need graphics? You must bring your own signage and all signage must either fit on the table or behind it. Silver and Gold sponsors will have their logos rotating on available screens in the sponsor hall.
How many people can we send? All sponsorship packages provide 2 ticket to the event, Gold Packages include 2 additional tickets for a total of 4, any additional people you wish to attend, even solely to run your booth, must purchase additional tickets
Do we get any sponsored talks? No, but you are welcome to submit a proposal during our CFP.
Do we get electricity connection for our booth? Yes. You’ll get a power strip.
Will wifi connection be good enough for showing demos? Yes, that is always our intent, always bring a backup device if you have concerns.
Do we get an ad in the program? When do you need graphics? When payment for your sponsorship is confirmed, we will need one logo graphic. That will be what we use in all materials.
Do we get a dedicated email blast? No, but you will get a shoutout on social media for your sponsorship.
What are the demographics of the attendees? DevOpsDays Rockies typically attracts technologists, architects, and technology managers. These folks are attending to learn and to share learnings about the DevOps movement. They most appreciate sponsors who engage with them with that in mind.