DevOpsDays Denver 2020

Dear DevOpsDays Rockies Community,

We know many of you are closely monitoring the situation around COVID-19, due to the progress and growing concern over the spread of the disease, we have decided it is in the best interest of our community to move DevOpsDays Rockies to a later date instead of April as originally planned.

We have already secured new dates (August 10, 11, and 12th) with Mile High Station/Iron Works and are currently working out all of the details to ensure we have a successful conference later in the year.

While this is a volunteer run event, we couldn’t put it on without our sponsors and our community.

For our participants: While we hope to see everyone in August, we understand that there may be some of you who have purchased tickets to the event who can not make the later dates. If this is the case, please email us at and we will issue you a refund. All refund requests must be submitted before April 31, 2020 to be eligible for a refund.

For our sponsors: You should have received an initial notice already. If you are a sponsor who has concerns around this change, please email us at so we can find a solution that works as we go forward with our new dates. We thank you all for your understanding and compassion with a difficult decision.

Our first priority is the health and safety of our community and we hope to create a wonderful event with you all in August! Please look to our website and our Twitter account for continuing updates.

Thank you and stay safe!

The DevOpsDays Denver Organizing Team