Blameless Postmortem Culture

Psychological safety has been identified as the topmost feature of a successful and innovative organization. At the same time, we need to learn from failure and prevent recurrence of mistakes. These two practices seem to contradict each other, but is there a way to achieve them both?

Introduction to Postmortem Culture

  • Goal: System shouldn’t break in the same way again.
  • Growth mindset.
  • Learn from mistakes.
  • Document everything for posterity!

What does a postmortem look like?

  • Various sections.
  • All sections for a reason.
  • Best practices for each section.
  • When does it make sense to write one?

Psychological safety & Blamelessness

  • Postmortems, if not written well can be counterproductive to your culture.
  • Why is blamelessness important? The most important?
  • Leadership and promoting this culture.
  • Celebrating failure!
  • Going beyond technology.

Ok, I wrote one, what next?

  • Going above and beyond just writing some documents.
  • Making things run like a clockwork, while self sustaining!



Pranjal Deo


Keynote Speaker

  • I’m currently an Engineering Program Manager at Google. Graduated as an Electrical engineer, started as a test automation engineer, then software engineer and took on DevOps