devopsdays Montevideo - Contact

Estamos utilizando como entorno de colaboración, abierto a todos quienes quieran sumarse de alguna manera a la organización de este evento. También se puede contactar a los organizadores por e-mail en

Organizadores locales

Juan Andrés Antoniuk


Juan Andrés Antoniuk

Experienced in making start-ups fail, learning how not to repeat same errors. Now enjoying digital transformation in the financial industry.


Miguel Castro


Miguel Castro

From discret electronic to networking, then to cloud; the unique constant: learning all the time. Not DevOps (yet), but I’m a fan.


Genry Leyva González


Genry Leyva González
Arnaldo C. Castro S.A.

DevOps enthusiast. Experienced software engineer with a passion for developing innovative programs that expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success.


Pablo Nessi


Pablo Nessi

Passionate about continuous learning, seeker for high quality solutions and continuous improvement of software development processes.


Jorge Pais


Jorge Pais

Systems Engineer working for 10 years in IT industry, with strong background on Microsoft infrastructure and services. Currently working as Lead DevOps Engineer at Pyxis, rubbing some DevOps on everything related to Infrastructure and Operations


Guillermo Talento


Guillermo Talento
Software Testing Bureau

Over 30 years experience in IT. From 2001 focused on helping companies obtain the most from their software projects, through consultancy, mentoring and training services to improve the way they conceive, develop and implement software projects.


Enrique Verdes


Enrique Verdes
AT Innovando Juntos

Old Linux SysAdmin dog learning new tricks.


Xavier Verdino


Xavier Verdino

From IT guy to devops evangelist…. from Have you tried turning it off and back on again? to “do not lose time and redeploy all the infraestructrure”


The core devopsdays organizer group

The global core organizers support local teams.