devopsdays Houston - FAQ

Attending our event? Have a question? Then check out the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions below.
If you are a sponsor, please checkout Sponsor FAQ as well.
If you don’t see an answer there, please drop us an email at [ ].

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the dress code?
  2. Where is the conference center?
  3. Where to park
  4. Accomodations
  5. What to bring
  6. Communications and Collaboration

1. What is the dress code?

The conference does not have a dress code. We suggest business casual or casual, as long as it is appropriate for a professional gathering.

2. Where is the conference center?

The conference will take place at the Norris Conference Centers, Houston/CityCenter.

816 Town and Country Blvd #210
Houston, TX 77024
Check out Location page for direction, parking situation and tips, and best parking garage to use.

3. What is the parking situation?

The Houston / CityCentre facility is located at the corner of intersection of IH-10 West and Beltway 8. The location features plenty of complimentary parking. For your convenience, we encourage you to park on the upper floors of the garage attached to the Norris Centers location (paralleling Beltway 8). You will see signs with the Norris name and logo directing you to the correct floors to park. Parking instructions are available here.

4. Accomodations

If you’re still looking for a place to stay, hotels are available in close proximity to the venue.

5. What to bring

There will be keynote addresses, lightning talks, workshops, and open spaces, so make sure you bring your listening ears for talks, laptops for workshops, and bright ideas for open spaces!

Check the final event program.


Each attendee will be able to sign up for a workshop at registration, but you can check the requirements for each now, so you’ll know what to bring with you for a successful ‘shop:

CI/CD 101 with CircleCI Workshop
Please bring a laptop and register accounts on GitHub, CircleCI, DockerHub
Quick and Dirty DevSecOps Workshop
Please bring a laptop and register an AWS account
Continuous Compliance with Chef and InSpec Workshop
Please bring a laptop with RDP capability on it
From New Cluster to Insight: Deploying Monitoring and Logging to Kubernetes
Please bring a laptop with Kubernetes, kubectl, and Helm installed, as well as have access to an account on any of: GCP, Azure, AWS, or DigitalOcean

6. Communications and Collaboration

Twitter & LinkedIn Announcements
Before, during and after the event you can get announcments and stay in touch with us by following us on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Slack Collaboration
Sign up for our Slack workspace Houston DevOps: stay up to date on shared links and slides as event progresses, get answers to your questions from organizers, get help from volunteers, or connect with other attendees in real time.