devopsdays Galway - Registration

Registation begins Thursday, Jun 27, 2019
Registation ends Saturday, Nov 16, 2019

Registration for DevOpsDays Galway 2019 is now open. If you have any questions please contact us at .

Register your interest
Be alerted about ticket availability (to remind you to pick one up later), notified on when the Call for Papers is opened, or any other conference milestone, please fill in the form below.

Alternatively register and purchase tickets via


Now that you’re planning on attending, the next step is to look at accommodation. We’ve put together a small list to help, there are plenty of other options, these are just some with guidelines as to how long it will take to travel between your accommodation and the venue.

If you’re unsure about how easy it is to get from the location you are choosing to the venue, just email us at and we’ll provide some local knowledge to help you decide.

Selection of hotels close by:

  • The Galmont Hotel and Spa (conference venue)1
  • Park House (2 mins walk)
  • Foster Court Hotel (3 mins walk)
  • Merrick (5 mins walk)

Some hotels on bus routes or with a little more walking:

  • G Hotel (15 mins walk)
  • The Connacht Hotel (17 mins bus/walk or 22 mins walk)

Also some nearby hostels with private rooms:

  • Bunk (2 mins walk)
  • Snoozles (2 mins walk)

Galway is also well serviced by a number of Bed & Breakfast venues on College Road, less than 10 minutes walking distance from the venue.

  1. For those wishing to stay at The Galmont Hotel and Spa, just mention that you are attending the conference to avail of a special rate. ↩︎