devopsdays Dallas - Sponsorship

DevOpsDays Dallas 2019

We greatly value sponsors for this community event. If you are interested in sponsoring, please check out our prospectus below. If you need a hard copy with more details, click here to download PDF or send us an email.

DevOpsDays is a self-organizing conference for DevOps practitioners that depends on your sponsorships. We do not have a traditional trade show conference floor, sell product presentations, or distribute attendee contact lists. Sponsors have the opportunity to have short elevator pitches during the program and will get recognition on the website and social media before, during, and after the event. Sponsors are encouraged to participate and engage with the attendees as peers.

Any attendee also has the opportunity to demonstrate products or projects as part of any of the Open Space sessions. Platinum sponsors will also have access to a dedicated demo room to provide hands-on demos to individuals or small groups. Be sure to send technical practitioners to interact with customers and peers at DevOpsDays on their own terms.

The best thing to do is send engineers to interact with the experts at DevOpsDays on their own terms.

Please email the organizers at with any questions you may have about sponsoring the event.

Sponsorship Packages

Price $45,000 $12,000 $8,000 $4,000
Note: PayPal payments include 3% service charge.
Email us if you prefer to pay by check
Tickets Included 25 4 2 1
Logo on DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website
Social Media recognition on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, amoung others.
Shout-out from MC's at kickoff and again at breaks
Logo on displayed in sponsor area & Social Networking Event
Dedicated table for swag/marketing/staffing
Logo on a slide, rotating during breaks



Pitch to full audience, including streaming audience
(provided we are able to stream the videos)



20% Discount code provided to share with your client community

(10) tickets

(10) tickets

(10) tickets
Logo on participant emails
Dedicated demo room for customer presentations, workshops, etc.
Five (5) minute greeting and introduction during the opening session each day
Two (2) VIP backstage passes ($1,000 value)

Media / Community Sponsorships

All Media / Community sponsors are entities we value as pillars of continuous learning in our community. If you would like to discuss these sponsorships with us, just ask! Email us at:

Sponsorship Price Description Number Available
Media $0.00 The media sponsorship is ideal for podcasts, blogs, news outlets, and other media who support DevOps. This sponsorship is free but we ask that you share information about DevOpsDays Dallas with your audience in order to become a Media Sponsor.
  • One (1) ticket included.
  • 10% discount code for ten (10) tickets to share with your audience.
  • Logo on a shared slide, rotating during breaks.
  • Logo on the DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website.
Community $0.00 The community sponsorship is ideal for local meetups, co-working spaces, and other non-commercial communities who support DevOps. This sponsorship is free, but we ask that you share information about DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 with your members in order to become a Community Sponsor.
  • One (1) ticket included.
  • 10% discount code for ten (10) tickets to share with your audience.
  • Logo on a shared slide, rotating during breaks.
  • Logo on the DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website.

À La Carte Sponsorships

À La Carte sponsorships will be available after May 26th if no Diamond sponsorship is sold. À La Carte items are only available to Platinum or Gold sponsors. We can be creative with these sponsorships, so just ask! Email us:

Sponsorship Price Description Number Available
Happy Hour $6,000 Happy Hour will be held both evenings of the event. All conference attendees will be invited to a happy hour. The Happy Hour sponsorship includes some special perks not listed in the table above.
  • One sponsorship available for each day of the conference.
  • Recognition and logo on a shared slide, rotating during breaks.
  • Logo and branding recognizing the sponsorship of the Happy Hour.
  • Recognition and logo on the DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website.
  • Recognition and logo on all email communication.
  • All beverages to be served are included in the price.
Backpack $6,000
  • Recognition and logo on a shared slide, rotating during breaks.
  • Logo and branding will be placed on the conference backpacks that are provided to all attendees.
  • Recognition and logo on the DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website.
  • Recognition and logo on all email communication.
  • The purchase of backpacks is included in the price.
Coffee Bar $6,000 A custom high-end coffee bar will be available in a large lounge area during the event. All conference attendees will be invited to receive a coffee. The attendees must get a ticket by interacting with a vendor to receive a free coffee.
  • One sponsorship available for each day of the conference.
  • Recognition and logo on a shared slide, rotating during breaks.
  • Logo and branding recognizing the sponsorship of the Happy Hour.
  • Recognition and logo on the DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website.
  • Recognition and logo on all email communication.
  • All beverages to be served are included in the price.
2    0
Lanyard $3,000
  • Recognition and logo on a shared slide, rotating during breaks.
  • Logo and branding will be placed on the conference backpacks that are provided to all attendees.
  • Recognition and logo on the DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website.
  • Recognition and logo on all email communication.
  • The purchase of lanyards is included in the price.
Bring Your Own Charging Station $1,000 A vendor may provide their own mobile device charging stations with company logos to place in the lounge area during the event.
  • One sponsorship available for each charging station deployed.
  • Recognition and logo on a shared slide, rotating during breaks.
  • Logo and branding will be placed on the conference backpacks that are provided to all attendees.
  • Recognition and logo on the DevOpsDays Dallas 2019 event website.
  • Recognition and logo on all email communication.
  • Charging stations are not provided and not included in the price.

Refund Policy

We are excited to have you sponsor our event. We also understand that there are sometimes circumstances that may cause you to need to withdraw that sponsorship. Refunds for sponsorships are available according to the following schedule:

Diamond level and À La Carte sponsorships

  • No refunds are available for Diamond sponsorships or À La Carte sponsorships.

  • All other sponsorship levels

  • Before June 1, 2019 - 80% refund is available.
  • Between June 2 and July 31, 2019 - 75% refund is available.
  • After August 1, 2019 - No refund is available.

  • Please email the organizers at with any questions you may have about sponsoring the event or requesting a refund.

    Sponsors are responsible for providing high-res logos for use on the website and in promotional materials. The preferred file formats are EPS or AI.

    All sponsors attendees must be registered to attend. We offer sponsors 20% off for any additional sponsor registration requests after Tickets Included have been consumed.