Enterprise Transformation Lessons Learned


In this talk, Ross will provide real world examples of the challenges impacting large-scale DevOps transformations and advice on how to overcome them. This is based on his first hand experience leading transformation in two Fortune 50 companies and through his direct collaboration and research with many other leaders driving transformation in F500 companies.

This talk will be a story telling format of real failures that happened at different companies and what the impact of those failures were. Additionally, a new narrative will be shared for these stories to help drive home key learnings on how to successfully navigate complex enterprise environments to achieve transformation success.

These stories will hit home for many in the audience. So much so that they will likely feel like the story is about their company. Attendees will walk away with a greater appreciation for what it takes to drive change in large enterprises, guidance on how to navigate these changes, and will hopefully be inspired to push harder for change within their respective organizations.



KEYNOTE: Ross Clanton



Ross has led multiple technology transformation and innovation initiatives across Verizon and Target. He is also an active collaborator in growing and strengthening the Enterprise
