Moving from Project to Product: It's time we stopped failing the business

IT is broken. IT teams are failing their organisations and their people. By utilising outdated management practices and delivery models that provide an illusion of certainty we are continually failing to deliver. In this talk we explore how we got to this place and what the options are.

Over recent years the project to product movement has been gaining traction within the IT industry. Projects are increasingly being demonised and Products portrayed as the saviour but what does it actually mean for IT Teams? In this talk, we lift the covers on the Project to Product movement and help you understand: Why is IT broken? What is actually wrong with Projects? How do Products make things better? How does this apply to teams and individuals? Where to start?



Edward Pearson


Prior to joining DevOpsGroup, Ed gained extensive experience working with development teams in both delivery and product roles. He enjoys encouraging experimentation and innovation in teams and
