My Quest for Business Agility – the good bad and ugly of lean agile and DevOps transformations

Why do lean agile transformations fail more often than succeed?

  • Teams argue about user stories, pointing systems and tickets.
  • Mangers measure and compare teams based on velocity.
  • Scrum masters going through the motions chasing the South Star.
  • No one is validating customer hypothesis for fast feedback.

In the turning point of the software digital age where organizations face a Cambrian extinction - the scientific application of agile, lean, design thinking, lean start up, lean UX, OKRs and DevOps together with high performing teams is crucial to business survival.

Let’s Explore together the essentials of successful lean agile and DevOps change initiatives – we’ll find surprising truths about what makes and breaks agile changes in organizations.

  • Learn how to keep the approach simple - Digital transformation must be simple- Team agility without organizational cadence, flow and continuous focus on DevOps and technical excellence is a wasted effort;
  • Identify the scaling patterns for your organization - Scaling agility can be SAFe but often isn’t because we’re not solving for the right business problem – scaling is about emergence of failures;
  • Explain #Soakability for leading change - A Culture of change lead outside-in, fails to deliver results; Success hinges on soak-ability, daily improvement that’s truly continuous

Allow me to share Anchors of Simplicity, Mainstays of Scalability, Tell-tale Signs of Soakability, a journey across continents, numerous clients and many industries on a quest for business agility.



Michael Nir

Michael Nir, President Sapir Consulting US, is an executive agile Lean DevOps expert; known for his passion, creativity and innovation; His Masters in Engineering and, training in Gestalt balance his ...