devopsdays Detroit


A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education, College for Creative Studies
460 W. Baltimore Ave Detroit, MI 48202
DevOpsDays Detroit’s 5th Year!

Other Detroit Events
2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   

devopsdays Detroit is dedicated to bringing system administration and development together. Michigan and Detroit, specifically, are uniquely positioned to lead this integration due to its highly skilled engineers. We are a collection of makers with a common vision for excellence, change and the grit to reinvent a city.

Presentations will have a broad range of topics, with something for everyone. This conference is about much more than the tools we use. It is a forum for exploring the cultural impact that DevOps has on an organization. Hearing this positive, powerful message from our peers is the best way to integrate this way of thinking.

Come join us at DevOpsDays Detroit 2020 for a unique yearly event that will showcase a slice of that collective innovation. All stages of career will be present from university students to local startups to leaders of industry.

Wednesday, Nov 11, 2020 - Thursday, Nov 12, 2020