Making the World More Inclusive One Field at A Time

As software engineers, we often see our world in binaries, enums, and defined values. The reality of the world is that there are entire swaths of our society who do not fit neatly within our defined parameters. Gender is not always binary. Race cannot always be described with a radio button. Visually impaired users may not be able to navigate through our forms. Whether we are advocating for more inclusivity in design meetings or driving actual changes to how our data is stored or presented, software developers are uniquely positioned to create forms and documents that increase the inclusion of marginalized populations. Small changes on our end have the power to positively affect the lives of the people who use our forms and data. This talk will go through several simple steps for both front end and back end code that we can all take to make our forms, documents, and data more inclusive.



Lara Newsom

Lara is a software engineer consultant working at Source Allies in Urbandale, Iowa. She started her career in web design and made the transition to software development using online resources and on ...