Using Design Methods to Establish Healthy DevOps Practices

I wish adopting DevOps was as easy as just ticking items off on a DevOps todo list. Or as easy as setting up Jenkins and Docker. The reality is very different. Successful DevOps transitions require changes in the technical stack, in the mindset, in practices, and in the organizational culture. Unfortunately, the key cultural elements that need to change are usually buried in apathy, shyness and office politics.

To reveal these crucial yet hidden cultural elements, we borrowed methods from an unlikely discipline: Design. User experience designers have been using human-centric methods to better understand human needs for more than 40 years now, producing digital experiences that transform many areas of our lives seamlessly. We brought a selection of these human- centric design methods to the IT department to understand how our clients work and to hear their deep, unspoken needs.

Join us to see examples from our work and hear five underlying principles that helped us see unique cultural perspectives in technical organizations.



Aras Bilgen


Aras is a digital transition consultant at kloia. He trains designers, business analysts, agile teams, and managers on human-centric approaches in product development and organizational culture. The
