Service Virtualization: Navigating the Path from Decision to Execution

Service Virtualization is a recognized technique for improving the SDLC from development to testing in several ways including reducing costs of development, enhancing the flexibility of the testing environment, and overall reduction for the services time to market. While these benefits are discussed often, it can still be unclear how an organization can start utilizing Service Virtualization to suite their specific needs.

In this session I will discuss how organizations can navigate the nuances of service virtualization starting from the decision to incorporate it into the SDLC to executing the technique successfully across multiple different teams. The steps to this journey include best practices for virtualization, choosing the proper tools, and measuring the impact of virtualization. Throughout the many ways to undergo service virtualization there are a set of practices that will be presented to help organizations to ensure long-term success and scalability. A key part of these is integrating virtualization with existing automation efforts. Analysis of available tools looking at a broad range from open source to commercial will be critical to suite an organization’s needs. Once the process is underway, measuring the impact of virtualization on your SDLC is important to know how to improve further.



Steven Colon

Steven Colon has been working with Smartbear’s API Quality tools from Support Engineer to Technical Sales Engineer and in that time has continuous learned more about how various tech companies ...