DevOps Heroes - Adding Automation Integration to your Toolbox

DevOps is more than the process of automating your CI/CD pipelines to generate code and deployment artifacts for production. It’s also about organizational change and integration of many subtle processes that help you deliver applications seamlessly from development to production through your operations.

Let’s unlock the power of process integration with a hands-on workshop using your own devices (laptops). We’ll take you through the integration of an organizational process as part of your DevOps strategy. Step-by-step you’ll build a domain model, creating an automated process, integrating user approval tasks and more using modern open source process automation tooling.

Bring your laptop as this is a hands-on experience that takes you from nothing to a fully working DevOps supporting automation integration project. No experience in automation integration is required. Let’s add a new tool to your development toolbox and get you jump started on automation integration that’s supporting your organizations DevOps activities.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Attendees should bring their laptop and need to be able to follow along on a browser for a tutorial similiar to the style and format of the following: - You will be provided software by a thumbdrive or directed to a hosted drive during the workshop.

Note: The workshop materials is free and available online, attendees can use and enjoy after the event.



Eric D. Schabell

Eric is Red Hat’s global technology evangelist and portfolio architect director. He’s renowned in the development community as a speaker, lecturer, author, and baseball expert. His current role ...