Knowledge Management in IT: how is it related to DevOps and habits?

What does “corporate knowledge” mean? – No, it’s not a documentation…

Are you involved into knowledge management processes within your company? – Sure. Permanently. Do you see the difference between “knowledge base” and “knowledge management system”? – Yes, I do. Knowledge management in Agile company? Really? – Sure! Even Agile-manifest includes several directions to this.

Those and other questions I get (almost) every time I’m speaking about knowledge management with yet another person of software development company. It shows that there is no a proper understanding of knowledge management in IT community unlike banking, retail, metallurgy, oil industry and even Russian Railways and Russian Post.

I will speak about: – why knowledge management is a mandatory part of evry business nowadays, – why the main problem of knowledge management is habits, – why it is so hard to run knowledge management “from below”, and sometimes even “from above”, – which way knowledge management affects time-to-market and business safety, and also I’ll show some simple tools to implement them quickly within your own teams and/or businesses.



Rodion Nagornov

Finalist of international contest TSIA STAR AWARDS 2018 in Innovation in Knowledge Management. Head of content committee in KnowledgeConf – conference about knowledge management in IT. Curator ...