DevOps and Legacy Code

Unfortunately we can’t all work in startup companies. Some of use have to deal with legacy code bases. These are often structured as a monolith and tightly coupled. They typically are hard to build and deploy. You might think all the new DevOps practices and toys are not suitable for your context. You are wrong!

We will discuss strategies to work with legacy code and still use DevOps practices and tools. These include breaking up of monolithic structures, migrating data and monitoring systems that aren’t built to be monitored. We will show real-world examples of successful applications of these strategies.

While dealing with legacy code will still be painful, you will have some applicable ideas to relieve your pain.



Oliver Hankeln


Oliver is a freelance IT consultant and DevOps trainer. He started out as software developer and later moved to IT operations, so that he has seen and lived both “sides” of the Dev - Ops continuum and


Peter Götz


Peter is an IT consultant and agile coach. He has more than 15 years of experience with software development in different roles and from different perspectives. As certified Professional
