Zagility - we need to talk about mainframes and modern engineering practices!

In my talk I focus on the exciting things happening in the space of mainframes and modern engineering and share my experiences with the community. My objective is to change the perspective of the DevOps community in London and encourage more engineers to look at mainframes as a viable career alternative. Or, at least remove the negative bias that I have seen towards the mainframe stack. Consider the fact that all 25 of the world’s top banks still use mainframes. The reason is the mainframes are so core and intertwined in our core IT systems However, something exciting has been happening over the last couple of years. Many of the engineering practices we take for granted in the open systems world - CI/CD, Test automation, code coverage, virtualisation etc are all being implemented in the mainframe world Mainframes are often the under-appreciated workhorses and it is time to rediscover them!



Aditya Vadaganadam

I live in South London and a new local presenter to DevOpsdays London. I started my career in open systems and due to a HR error (no kidding) I was parachuted into a mainframe project where I was a ...