It Takes a Village to Raise a Product

“I deal with the customers so the engineers don’t have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people!”

The movie Office Space depicted the software development culture in 1999. There has been a lot of cultural changes in the last 20 years, but communication is still very important. As we focus on Agile and DevOps, strong relationships across the business is crucial for success.

This talk will be a humorous look into the development lifecycle within our engineering and business organizations. Our goal is to increase collaboration, innovation, and trust through a thoughtful presentation of the broader product lifecycle (as seen through the lenses of a Product Manager and an Engineer). Our talk will help illuminate the difference between a project culture vs a product culture, and how the process of identifying value, measuring against metrics, and understanding the product lifecycle / team helps keeps the team, executives, and clients engaged in continuously iterative process from the point a product is conceived until it is deprecated.

Key discussion points are: • Transitioning from project orientated culture to a product orientated culture. • Developing a Product Team. • Strategies to improve communication and relationships between roles and organizations. • Communicating the need for collaboration across the entire Product team, and how to prevent bottle necks in decision making while preserving accountability.



Paul Snider

As the director of Data Platform Engineering, Paul focuses on delivering products that streamline the flow of healthcare data to appropriate internal and external consumers.

Paul joined Cerner in 2005


Rob Helton


Rob As the Product Director for Core Clinical Products, Rob is responsible for innovation and development that crosses the breadth of the electronic health record. Rob and his team lead the creation
