Cypress: Where Automated Web UI Testing Isn’t Just for QA Anymore (Room 1L)

Today’s fast-moving software delivery environment emphasizes pushing value to production as quickly as possible. “Value to production” implicitly requires high quality—low quality is of little value to anyone! —which means teams need to focus on being able to specify, build, test, and deploy software effectively and quickly. Acceptance testing historically been manually intensive efforts run by a dedicated QA department, resulting in a slower pace of production releases.

No longer do we have to make acceptance a manual effort that requires a dedicated QA department. With the release of Cypress, we have a new standard in front-end testing that allows every developer to create acceptance tests. Come learn how you can create fast, easy, and reliable test for anything that runs in a browser regardless of the front-end framework used.

You will walk away ready to end the era of “Developers don’t write acceptance tests”, start writing acceptance tests for all of your projects and remove a major barrier to implementing continuous delivery.



Justin James


Making the complex simple and easy to understand!

Justin is the founder of Let Your Nerd Be Heard, creator of the Ultimate Presentation Formula for Nerds, Award Winning Entrepreneur, Amazon #1 Best
