Automating the boring stuff with Kubernetes (Room 1M)

This workshop will discuss using Open Policy Agent to create admissions controllers in Kubernetes to enforce security, resource, and compliance policies as well as provide an example for simplifying some operational pains like external secrets retrieval. By the end of the workshop, participants will be more aware of problems that come with increased Kubernetes adoption as well as potential solutions for how to solve these problems. This workshop will focus on the user experience of both a cluster administrator and an applications developer as well as how both of their goals can be addressed by adopting these patterns.

Attendees should have a working knowledge of Kubernetes and its basic concepts. We will provide a remote Kubernetes cluster for each workshop attendee to interact with and perform the workshop.



Clay Thomas

I have had a passion for computers ever since I was young enough to type on one. I love learning about new tools, technologies, and patterns in the “devops” world. Recently I have had a ...austin-heiman

Austin Heiman

Helping clients architect, build, and run applications in the cloud - AWS, Kubernetes, Serverless, CI/CD, Infrastructure as Code.cullen-mcdermott

Cullen McDermott