devopsdays Indianapolis


Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
350 W Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46225
DevOpsDays is coming to Indianapolis!

Other Indianapolis Events
2018   2020   

Wednesday, Jul 24, 2019 - Friday, Jul 26, 2019

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Training Day

This year we are adding a half day of training on Wednesday, July 24th from 1 - 5pm that is included with your registration. Wednesday will only be for training. We will open the doors at 12:30pm and training will start at 1:00pm.

Kubernetes Training by IBM

Microservices revolutionized the way we look at app development and is now one of the most popular programming architectures. Now, Docker alongside Kubernetes is changing the way teams look at deployments of these microservices. Kubernetes provides powerful production-grade orchestration for your “Dockerized” microservices.

In this workshop, you’ll get an overview of Kubernetes, and what it provides for application development. You’ll then go through the process of building and deploying a microservice application on Kubernetes.

This is a hands-on-keyboard lab, everyone should come with a laptop and a desire to learn. Attendees can use minikube locally, or cloud accounts will be provided. We’ll cover:

  • Kubernetes basics
  • Building Container Images
  • Deploying the application with Kubernetes
  • Upgrading and scaling the application with Kubernetes
  • Debugging your application in Kubernetes

Please bring your laptop running a copy of Chrome or Firefox. We will be doing everything online and via a cloud shell.

Cloud Native Continuous Delivery with GoCD by ThoughtWorks

When GoCD was created about a decade ago it was the first server built specifically for continuous delivery. A lot has changed in that decade, both in the software we’re deploying and the types of pipelines needed to work with it.

In this Workshop, participants will use Helm to provision a new GoCD system on kubernetes, configure it to automatically stop and start build agents, and set it up to use pipeline configurations as code.

Once the server is provisioned, attendees will create pipelines which test and deploy software to a kubernetes cluster.

Please bring your laptop.

Navigating Your DevOps Journey by John Esser of Veracity Solutions

This workshop is geared towards senior technical leaders and organizational change agents (executives, directors, senior architects, heads of Agile/DevOps Centers of Excellence, etc.). A recent workshop attendee commented, "Attending this workshop was worth the price of the ticket alone!"

Senior leaders embarking on a DevOps initiative often struggle to determine where to start, what to do, and how to approach the journey. The advantages of DevOps are well-documented, but it is estimated that over the next 5 years, 75% of DevOps initiatives will fail to fully meet the expectations of the business and stakeholders. This is a fully interactive workshop with a seasoned DevOps transformation expert. We will discuss practical steps and actions specifically around culture, practices, and technology that a leader can take to significantly increase the probability of a successful DevOps transformation. We will view DevOps holistically through the six core disciplines and step through a diagnostic to raise awareness of problematic areas and discuss potential solutions. Attendees will be given a succinct, but practical guide, “Navigating Your DevOps Journey.”

After party, July 25th

Join us at Indiana City Brewing Company after the conference on July 25th at 6pm. We will have appetizers, beer and the famous Ignite Karaoke hosted by Tiffany Longworth!

The address is 24 Shelby Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202.