Becoming an Elite Performer - Applying Lessons from the 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps Report

The 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps Report represents six years of research and data from over 31,000 professionals worldwide. It is the largest and longest running research of its kind, providing an independent view into the practices and capabilities that drive high performance.

Among other things, the 2019 report finds that elite performers deploy code 208 times more frequently and recover from incidents 2,604 faster than low performers.

How do you put the findings of this report to work for your team?

This talk provides a view into the Accelerate State of DevOps Report and offers advice on how you can use this research to guide improvements for your team.



Dave Stanke

I’m a DevOps Advocate for Google Cloud Platform. My job is about talking with DevOps practitioners: listening to stories, telling stories, sharing a healthy cry. Prior to Google, I was the CTO of ...