An Evolutionary Approach to DevOps

The story of how a Chicago finance company avoided a radical shift and took a more evolutionary approach to its DevOps transformation. I will share the lessons we learned along the way to hopefully ease your DevOps transformation.

A lot of the talks about DevOps transformations take a “big bang” approach requiring a radical culture change. This talk will tell the story of how a local financial company has taken an evolutionary approach to its DevOps transformation. There were lots of trials, tribulations, false starts and successes along our journey. I will share examples of actions that worked well for us as well as actions that didn’t work so well. Hopefully these stories will help ease your DevOps transformation.



Kevin Harriss

Kevin Harriss is a systems engineer that has built and maintained platforms and systems for universities, start-ups, and currently a public finance company. He is a Systems Engineer Team Lead for the ...