Fostering the Third Way - Your DevOps Dojo

In the DevOps Handbook, Gene Kim introduces the Third Way - The Technical Practices of Continual Learning. Enter the DevOps Dojo - an immersive environment where whole teams come together to learn and practice their skills while solving real business problems.

Joel Tosi and Dion Stewart say teams learn better in the immersive eco-system of Dojos than they do using traditional forms of training. They explain why and how Dojos help teams bond around product, foster rapid experimentation, and reframe small failures as learning.

In this session, Dion will frame the need for dojos. From there he will walk attendees through the dojo format, including things they need to think about when creating their own. He will wrap up with simple calls to actions for people to take to bring learning forward.

Come to this session not only to learn about what works in creating a Dojo but also how Dojos help upskill your teams and support the cultural DevOps change.



Dion Stewart

Dion Stewart is a coach, mentor, developer, and international speaker. He helps organizations improve their product delivery, addressing practices from product discovery through DevOps. For the last ...