The first decade of DevOps is over

In the beginning DevOps was an experiment to improve the collaboration just between Dev and Ops people. Today DevOps is often seen as tooling, as many tremendous changes in IT happened since then: the rise of container technology, Microservices, Public Cloud Services, Serverless and Infrastructure as Code - just to name a few of them. But DevOps is much more than technology and tooling. Books like ‚The Phoenix Project‘ were an eye opener to the process and people aspects of DevOps. A big set of different collaboration models between Dev and Ops like SRE have been developed. We learned about topics like Continuous Delivery, Observability, ChatOps etc. and how more departments than Dev and Ops will be affected by this new way of delivering digital products. The talk will end up giving an outlook to the next exciting decade of DevOps …


Konstantin Diener

Konstantin Diener is CTO at cosee. He has been developing software for more than 15 years. His CTO role made him shift his focus to (agile) leadership topics and how to create a productive environment ...