Workshop: Public Speaking for Technologists

While there’s a lot of material out there that covers delivering speeches in classic environments, this workshop is specifically geared towards technologists and the conference world that we tend to inhabit. It’s a fully interactive session where a series of (deceptively simple) concepts are presented, then we all work through the difficult parts together, with most or all of the ideas coming from the attendees themselves. Towards the second half of the session, we’ll break into small group to work on specific, concrete goals, such drafting a proposal, practising a pitch, and so forth. The goal is to help nurture next year’s speakers—who knows, maybe DevOpsDays Berlin 2020’s keynote will be in the room! :)



Daniel Maher

Dan is a veteran of the dotcom bubble, and has been variously a system administrator, university lecturer, start-up founder, and day labourer. As a member of the Devopsdays Core team, he has had the ...