A Single Window To Running Your Business


Most IT environments we deal with contain a great deal of information, logs, and metrics driven by tools such as: * SumoLogic * Splunk * DynaTrace * AppInsights * SCOM * PRTG * something built in-house…

These tools may be useful in isolation, but often results in substantial waste and distrust due to information not being shared between teams and departments. Furthermore, duplication of alerts may be sent by email, text or something else.

Typically these tools are focused on IT metrics, but they need to include business metrics such as revenue flow or call volumes.

Solution Statement

Metrics and logs are very different with each performing different functions. Recognising that there is not a single tool that can address all the concerns, we focus on combining their strengths.

Lets establish central monitoring, and destroy the silos!

A central view of the environment enables everyone to view the same source of information based on their individual needs.

In addition to having a single central source of information, we can leverage the same platform to establish a consolidated approach to our alerting requirements. This will result in systems and packages to focus on their original intent without the burden of monitoring and alerting. Through this combination and centralisation, we also enable the organisation to rationalise the needs of the systems, such as storage and compute. By employing this strategy, software developers gain a great deal more freedom, autonomy and ultimately become more efficient and effective.



Corneile Britz


Corneile has over 20 years’ experience in solutions architecture, software development, business analysis and ultimately delivering business value. He has significant industry experience in financial
