Mapping Power: An Introduction to Burja Mapping

Once you have a strategy, you need to get your team on board. Who can help you implement your strategy? Who might be an obstacle, or enemy? Samo Burja’s Empire Theory provides a framework for mapping power. After this talk, you’ll be able to start mapping power in your organization and beyond.

In recent months, I’ve developed a new kind of strategic mapping: Burja Mapping (alternatively, power or empire mapping). Samo Burja is a sociologist and the founder of Bismarck Analysis, which analyzes institutions, from governments to companies. Amongst other things, he has developed Empire Theory, “a framework for understanding and practicing competitive strategy.” By combining Empire Theory with mapping, we can assess people and organizations in terms of power, and also evaluate possible strategic plays.

Burja Maps are a valuable complement to Wardley Maps and other strategic tools you may already be familiar with. After this talk, you’ll be able to start mapping power in your organization and beyond.



Tasshin Fogleman

Tasshin Michael Fogleman is a long-term meditator with monastic training. His interest in Wardley Maps and other strategic tools comes from his time training in a monastery, where he faces questions ...