Three Frames on Development and Operations

DevOps, Serverless, and Wardley Maps, three frames for making sense of the waves of change in IT.

This talk will explore how each of these frames reveals economic and social transitions successful IT Organizations will need to grapple with in the near future.

Moving beyond a modernist organizational concept, large enterprises and startups alike are no longer simply asking “can this be automated (the modernist conception)” and are instead turning towards understanding “what will it mean when this is automated”.

After a brief introduction of the Modern Management concept (industrialization), and a quick review of the various conceptions of capital (capital, human, social), this talk will use each of the frames to point towards issues that contemporary IT Organizations will need to grapple with in the near future.



Jabe Bloom


Jabe has led teams and companies, as well as designed and developed software and products, for almost 20 years. He has served as a Chief Architect, Principal Technical Director, Chief Technical
