How to use Design thinking in Technology and Product Development

Design Thinking is a creative approach to problem solving that keeps the users need in center of developing innovative solutions to solve real world problems. This talk will walk you through how teams can build an experience that your customers will remember.

Design Thinking is a creative approach in problem solving that keeps the users need in center of developing innovative solutions to solve real world problems. Instead of gathering requirements, teams gather inspiration from real customers interviews in order to generate ideas, make the ideas tangible to test and gather feedback to experiment forward. Design thinking is an Agile way to remove risk early by testing your assumptions with the end user.It’s a great tool for our organization to be ambidextrous and meet the demands of today’s business as well as be adaptive to changes in customer preferences. This talk will walk you through how Technology teams can adapt design thinking principles to build an experience that your customers will remember.


Arti Mashalkar

With over 18 years of experience in software development, Arti Mashalkar has worn many hats including software development, systems analysis, architecture and working as an agile coach. When she is ...