Start your journey to continuous delivery by renovating your legacy codebase

Do you hear a lot about continuous delivery and DevOps? Do you love what you hear but you don’t see how you could ever get there with your legacy code? Have you done a first attempt to add automated tests (e.g. with selenium and cucumber) but they keep on failing and don’t lead to the expected return on investment?

In this workshop you will see how to approach continuous delivery in legacy codebases using a fast and maintainable automated test suite, mainly based on unit tests. You will pair with other participants to cover a (ugly) legacy application with a special type of test called golden master (aka approval tests), and explore how to refactor it to use meaningful domain concepts covered by tests.


  • General coding knowledge in either java or javascript.
  • A laptop with language and your favorite editor.

You will get these new microskills:

  • Verify results
  • Using Code Coverage
  • Using Mutation Testing
  • Separating code
  • Removing Duplication
  • Using your Editor effectively

Workshop Outline:

  • Brief introductory of the legacy beas
  • Pairing to cover the application with a golden master, following a step-by-step guide
  • Reflection
  • Pairing to refactor
  • Reflection



Matteo Pierro


Hi, my name is Matteo and I’m a Software Craftsman and a Technical Coach. eXtreme Programming practitioner and TDD lover, I’m very passionate about creating well crafted software that delivers high


Nelis Boucké

Software crafter with a profound interest in defining environments where teams can thrive to build great product.

  • Experience with agile transformations, software architecture and technical excellence