AWS CloudFormation - High-Intensity Training Advanced

At we do not believe in classic, classroom training for IT professional. We know that most IT professionals learn ‘on the job’ and it’s hard for them to spend 5 days in a classroom.

AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment. CloudFormation allows you to use a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts. This file serves as a single source of truth for your cloud environment.

The training consists of a short but complete introduction into AWS CloudFormation technologies and practices, followed by a series of hands-on training exercises. The exercises simulate real-life scenarios and will teach best practices while doing it.

This workshop takes 2.5 hours in total and is intended for people already experienced with CloudFormation, and want to take it one step further.

If you want to attend this workshop, we’ll send you a prep guide. Send an email to, and two weeks prior to the DevOpsDays you’ll receive the instructions.

Examples of scenarios you will find in this workshop:

  • 5 min recap exercise of the 101 workshop
  • using secrets in your templates
  • test and validate your templates using cfn-lint
  • creating custom providers
  • creating custom macros
  • programmatically updating a template
  • using Sceptre to orchestrate multiple stacks
  • deploying Cloud Custodian


  • A laptop with Python 3 and Docker installed
  • An AWS Account



Martijn van Dongen

Martijn is AWS Cloud Architect and Chief AWS at, proudly part of Xebia. He is building a variety of workloads and products on AWS since 2013 and holds all core AWS certifications. Martijn is ...