Dear Auditor

The ING Think Forward strategy is to become the next generation digital bank. To support this ambition as an IT organization, we in the first place have the obligation to comply with all kinds (security) regulations. Next to the need to comply with these so called non-functional requirements, we are innovating on all kinds of topics like, Agile Way of Working, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, use of pipelines and shift left principles. The constant challenge is to align these developments with the way auditors look at our organization. The Dear Auditor is a story of how we try to connect the world of engineers & auditors, especially related to IT Risk.

Do you want to hear what I learned, what worked / didn’t work, what will be the next steps……I’ll see you in Amsterdam



Debra de Jong

Professional (IT) manager with an university degree in Economics and more than 20 years’ experience in (IT) project management, supplier/vendor - management, organizational transformation/change ...